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Jeron Distributors for Local Service & Support

Jeron’s systems are supported by an experienced network of Jeron-certified distributors for the sales, installation, and 24/7 timely support. In order to be a part of our distributor network, distributors have been trained and certified, have 24 hour service, and have an inventory of replacement parts.

This level of local service and support ensures our customer’s systems are installed and programmed correctly and if anything should go wrong, the systems are back up and running quickly.

“When we went to Jeron for the first time, we knew we were in the right place.  The family was at the door waiting to greet us and shake our hands to welcome us to their family. We are thrilled to be partnered with Jeron.”

Beth Machall-Dwyer, New Era Technology

“I’m not going to tell you why you should go with Jeron as opposed to another manufacturer, you need to decide that for yourself but once you sit with them and you see what they have to offer and you see the people and their commitment you’re going to move to the Jeron solution like I did.”

Bob Waizenegger, Standard Communications

“We called Jeron and we explained what we needed and how quickly we needed it and within a week’s time they shipped all the product to us. We had it wired and installed within two weeks up and running.”

Glenn Rappaport, CCI Systems

“Crisp Regional has the flexible room coverage and call routing they need. The networked design of Provider 790 allowed for quick installation and programming, saving time and money now and for any potential future upgrades or expansions.”

Anthony Cooper, Lead Technician at Electronic Systems & Design

“One of the greatest advantages of Jeron products is that for our customers, it allows them to pick and choose the products that they like and the options that they want…there are a lot of different software options that are available.”

Sam Vickery, Servitech

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